Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Menu Avocado for Baby Health

Avocado for Baby Health
Avocado benefits can be an excellent alternative food, as the first solids that you introduce to your baby. Why is that? Besides having a high nutrient content, soft texture also makes it easy to be digested by your baby.

In fact, we often hear that avocados are also given the title as one of the world's most perfect, because it contains all the nutrients our body needs to survive.

Therefore, rather than giving your baby cereal instant you try to give avocado consider him as a "good fats" that are useful for brain and physical development of your baby!

According to nutrition experts, avocado Sodium and cholesterol free, and contains many beneficial nutrients, including 8% of total folate per day is recommended for consumption; 4% fiber and potassium, 4% 2% vitamin E and iron. One avocado contains about 81 micrograms of carotenoids Lutein, 19 micrograms of beta-caroten and 3.5 gram Unsaturated fats are known to play a role in the formation of the central nervous system and brain.

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